Bathmate Hydromax is an effective male enhancement pump.

What is the Bathmate Hydromax Pump
The Bathmate Hydromax pump is a tool for men who want to increase the length and thickness of their Penis while still being reasonably erect.

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The Bathmate pump is also used to help improve general penile health, such as improving erection quality and sexual stamina and helping to relieve erectile dysfunction.

The Bathmate pump was launched in 2006 with the first Hercules model and is now renamed Hydro7. Over 1 million pumps have been sold to date, making the Bathmate pump the best in the penis enlargement pump category.

To understand how the Hydromax pump works, we first need to understand the biology of the Penis and what happens when we have an erection.

Your Penis is divided into three chambers, two large ones on top, that's your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa) and one smaller chamber on the bottom where you urinate and ejaculate (Carpus Spongiosum)

When sexually aroused, your brain releases hormones that send blood to your Penis, filling your erectile tissue.

The blood chambers in Corpora Cavenosa fill to the maximum giving you an erection.

The good news is that the Cavernosa can be developed bigger and stronger with the Hydromax pump. The more often you use the Hydromax pump, the bigger the blood vessels that fill it, allowing more blood to flow and fill the penile tissue.

The principle is the same as a bodybuilder. However, your Hydro penis pump is an exercise and a penis enhancer. After just a few weeks, you will start and see the difference. You will first notice that your circumference will increase, followed by the length of your Penis.

The following are several series of Bathmate Hydromax Pumps.

Hydro Series (only for beginners)

Hydro Series 7: There is only one size for this Hydro series. Hydro 7 is suitable for those with a penis size of 7 inches.

Hydromax Series (for the middle class)

Hydromax Series 3: ideal for those with a 3-inch erect penis
Hydromax Series 5: suitable for those with a 5-inch erect penis
Hydromax Series 7: ideal for those with a 7-inch erect penis
Hydromax 7 Wide Boy Pump: ideal for those who have a penis when erect 7 inches but the thickness of the Penis reaches a diameter of 7.6 inches
Hydromax Pump 9: suitable for those with a 9-inch erect penis

HydroXtreme series
For Faster Results and More Power... Check Out New & Improved Bathmate Xtreme pump models.

HydroXtreme Series 3: users with a 3-inch erection
HydroXtreme Series 5: users with 5-inch erections
HydroXtreme Series 7: users with 7-inch erections
Bathmate Hydro Xtreme Series 7 Wide Boy: users with 7-inch erections
Bathmate Hydro Xtreme Series 9: users with a 9-inch erection
Bathmate Hydro Xtreme Series 11: users with erections longer than 9 inches

The advantage of the Xtreme series is that you will get a lot of features:

Shower straps: Shower straps have become one of the most popular accessories in the Bathmate accessory line. This allows you to carry out your bathroom routine while using the Bathmate. The shower strap is also designed to prevent damage to the Bathmate if it is dropped (due to lack of pressure).

Bathmate cleaning kit: The cleaning kit comes with a specially-made sponge and an extension wand. You can thoroughly clean every part of your Bathmate pump with this kit.

Bathmate Lubricants: The Bathmate brand and lubricants are designed explicitly for Bathmate products. If you have trouble establishing a good seal in your body, use a small amount of lube.

Handball pump: The newly designed handball pump is the core component behind the effectiveness of Xtreme. It's made of a soft, flexible material that allows you to create and release pressure quickly.

Hose connection: The hose connection seamlessly connects the handball pump system to the Xtreme central unit. They are made of high-grade, crack-resistant, durable materials despite frequent use.

Long insert comfort pads: This is a new long insert comfort pillow. The long insert acts as a barrier, protecting the Penis from the inside of the gaiter pressing against it (significantly when your Penis grows in size after using Bathmate for a while). It is also very smooth, which adds more protection for your Penis.

Soft Deluxe Case: This case is large enough to hold every part of The Xtreme device. This is a soft case with a smooth finish and a modern look while keeping your device protected.

Bathmate towel: A towel to dry your Xtreme and accessories after each session.

Number security lock: Lock your hardshell case to protect your privacy.

Bathmate Hydro Xtreme main unit: The new Xtreme gaiter is made of advanced materials. The new material is more flexible and durable than the previous models. The new Xtreme valve can be used with or without the handball pumping system.

The Bathmate Hydro Xtreme can be used without the handball pumping system of the previous model. However, using the handball pumping system dramatically increases the speed and effectiveness of penis enlargement training.

All Bathmate Hydro pumps have been clinically tested to be safe and registered with the FDA.

The Bathmate pump is easy to use in the shower! Just follow those simple steps:

1. Soak in warm water for 5 minutes.
2. Fill the pump with water. Press in the pressure valve. Keep a finger over the valve when filling.
3. Insert the Penis into the pump. Forms a tight seal with pump and body.
4. Pump and push the pump towards the pubic bone. Water comes out of the valve. The pressure creates a false erection. The Penis has pulled up the tube. The process should be 15 minutes, 2-3 intervals of 5 minutes each.
5. Press the main valve to release pressure. Remove the pump safely.

What benefits will you get after using the Bathmate Hydromax pump product?

1. Harder erections – getting bigger is useless if you can't stay hard.
2. Banish Impotence – unless your Impotence results from a physical injury, getting and staying hard will be easier.
3. Stronger Orgasms – a healthy penis results in more powerful and satisfying orgasms
4. Stop Premature Ejaculation: Stamina and reliable erections make it easier to focus and maintain control.
5. Further Shooting – a strong penis results in more muscular contractions, resulting in more impressive ejaculations.
6. Straightening – Bathmate Pump will help improve penile curvature or a condition known as "Peyronie's Disease".
7. Build stamina – there's no point getting bigger if you can't last long enough to satisfy your partner.
8. FDA Registration - No need to worry anymore about all Bathmate Hydropumps products because they have been registered with number 3010386378
9. High Medical Grade - 2 years warranty. Guaranteed results or
10. Full refund. Patented technology.

Get a Harder Penis By Training Harder

If you've been looking for an increase in the size of your Penis and you don't mind trying to get to that size, you need Hydromax penis enlargement products to ensure you maintain your goal.

Learn more here and get detailed product information.